CalFlexHub brings together a multidisciplinary ecosystem of experts from numerous sectors—including industry, utilities, academia, manufacturers, and non-profits—to identify, evaluate, develop, fund, and demonstrate promising load flexible technologies.
CalFlexHub is made possible from the help and work of its committed partners. These public-private partnerships help accelerate the movement of load flexible technologies and strategies from lab to market.
- Berkeley LabProjects: Residential Thermal Battery System for Combined Heat Pump Heating and Hot Water | Integrated Heat Pump and Hot and Cold Storage for Commercial HVAC | Managing Flexible Loads with Home Energy Management Systems to Maximize Electrical Panel Capacity | Campus-scale Thermal Storage for Load Shift Using Predictive Controls | Large Commercial Building Dynamic HVAC Predictive Controls | Small Commercial Heat Pump for HVAC with Optimized Controls
- Harvest Thermal
- UC Davis – California Lighting Technology Center
- UC Davis – Western Cooling Efficiency Center
- Villara Building System
CalFlexHub is guided by a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and an Equity Advisory Committee (EAC). The TAC provides input on technical aspects of the program and project designs. The EAC ensures that issues from underserved groups, such as low-income and disadvantaged communities, are integrated through the program with an “Equity First” concept in the portfolio.
CalFlexHub is an ambitious initiative with nation-wide support. Together, we will accelerate the transition from static energy efficiency to dynamic energy management in the state of California and beyond.
- Energy ETC
- Tower Hill Analytics