CalFlexHub is a proving ground for affordable, equitable, and reliable load flexible technologies. CalFlexHub Innovators are developing and deploying cost-effective scalable load flexibility technologies that provide regular load shaping from dynamic price and greenhouse gas signals.
Interested in innovating with CalFlexHub? Contact us to learn more.
Residential Thermal Battery System for Combined Heat Pump Heating and Hot Water
Optimizing Home Heating and Hot Water with Dynamic Price Response
Battery Energy Storage and EV Charging
Demonstrate the ability of an EV fleet to collectively follow a CalFlexHub price/ GHG signal, first independently and then jointly with the support of a battery energy storage system.
Integrated Heat Pump and Hot and Cold Storage for Commercial HVAC
Developing a prototype packaged HVAC unit including an air-to-water heat pump and a compact heating and cooling thermal energy storage to enable load shift and improved comfort.
Shifting Loads with Heat Pump Water Heaters in Commercial Buildings
Demonstrating using cloud-based platforms to shift load with heat pump water heaters in response to price and GHG signals while maintaining customer satisfaction.
Residential Flexible Pool Pump Controls
Demonstrating the ability to shift load by varying pool pump speed in response to price and GHG signals while ensuring daily flow volume.
Home Energy Management System Respond to Dynamic Price (Honda)
Demonstrating the ability of HEMS reading dynamic electricity prices and charge/discharge battery accordingly.
Integrated Heat Pump for Residential HVAC and DHW with Hot Water Storage (Villara)
Demonstrating the load flexibility of an integrated heat pump providing both domestic water heating and space heating & conditioning.
Dynamic Price Response through Energy Management Systems for Commercial Buildings (Extensible Energy)
Demonstrating cloud-based dynamic energy management of commercial building HVAC load.
Managing Flexible Loads with Home Energy Management Systems to Maximize Electrical Panel Capacity
Developing a prototype smart panel to control flexible loads under panel capacity as a cost-effective solution to enable home electrification while avoiding the prohibitive cost of panel and service upgrades.
Campus-scale Thermal Storage for Load Shift Using Predictive Controls
Developing model predictive control for a district cooling system with thermal energy storage to optimally respond to dynamic electricity prices.
Large Commercial Building Dynamic HVAC Predictive Controls
Testing model predictive controls for cooling and heating in a large commercial office building in response to dynamic electricity prices.
Small Commercial Heat Pump for HVAC with Optimized Controls
Optimizing stand-alone packaged heat pump operation for commercial buildings considering dynamic electricity prices.
Residential Heat Pump for HVAC and DHW with Predictive Controls
Using model predictive controls to optimize heat pump operation for cost, comfort, and carbon emissions in multi-family buildings considering dynamic electricity prices.
CoolFIT: Residential Smart Fan with Integrated Thermostat
Maintaining thermal comfort while lowering energy use and demand via smart ceiling fans integrated with thermostat and HVAC systems.