Battery Energy Storage and EV Charging

The field tests utilizes 69 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations operated by Powerflex that are equipped with Adaptive Load Management (ALM) and a 1.5 MW/ 2.5 MWh battery energy storage system (BESS), both located at the UC San Diego campus. A model predictive control algorithm dispatches stationary (BESS) and mobile (EV) energy storage for optimal operations under system constraints and price signals. In each demonstration, UCSD integrated the price signals received from the CalFlexHub price server. For the TwoPeakHDP price signal, the BESS dispatch resulted in $831 in daily revenue from discharging during the morning and evening peaks and charging during midday and in the early morning. The EV charging energy was successfully shifted to low price periods with 74% of charging occurring during periods when the price was less than $0.10 / kWh compared to 28% of charging occurring during those price periods for the baseline case.